Benefits of working at Hulp in huis
Hulp in huis is among the largest cleaning companies in West and East Flanders. In our case, ‘big’ also equals ‘good’. Good for our customers and good for our staff. Below, we show you what we have in store for you. Some things speak for themselves, but other advantages can only be found with us.

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Earn more with increased meal vouchers
Putting bread on the table is getting more and more expensive. Literally! And it's not just bread, all foods are getting more expensive. Our solution: increased meal vouchers. From 1 September, all employees of Hulp in huis will receive €0.50 extra per day. Our ancients (from 10 and 15 years of age) will get an increase of €6 and €6.50 meal vouchers per day as an extra reward. So it pays off to work for a long time at Hulp in huis.

Save ± €156 a month thanks to Hulp in huis
Zalando, Media Markt, Carrefour, H&M, ... these are just five of more than 400 retailers where our employees get up to 35% discounts with the Edenred app. We did the calculation and from 1 September each employee of Hulp in huis will save ± EUR 156 a month. On an annual basis, this amount quickly adds up to more than a month's salary!

Save on fuel with an e-scooter or e-bike
Fuel prices are just skyrocketing. Fortunately, displacement can also be electric with an e-scooter or e-bike. Via leasing, our employees pay monthly for their scooter or bike. They can choose between different formulas, from just the scooter or bike to the full package with helmet, maintenance and VAB assistance.

More prevention, health and well-being at work
At Hulp in huis, we go a step further than just financial support. Well-being is also sufficient exercise, healthy eating, dealing with stress, getting enough sleep, etc. Therefore, through our prevention service, we offer workshops with a life coach and nutrition coach. This way, we want to focus more on prevention, health and well-being at work.

Advertise and earn up to €30 a month extra
Without working more hours, earn more? It's possible when you work at Hulp in huis. All you have to do is advertise us. You hang out a sticker or panel on your home or put a sticker on the window of your car and you earn up to €30 a month extra. It can be that simple!

By car or bike, your kilometres are reimbursed
Travelling kilometres for work shouldn't worry you. Hulp in huis recently increased the kilometre allowance for your car. Do you prefer to go by bike? As a cyclist, you will be reimbursed the entire route (there and back) at €0.25 per km. And as icing on the cake, Hulp in huis employees get occasional treats at work.

Een aangename en uitdagende werksfeer

De beste verloning
Wij verwachten dat je het beste van jezelf geeft om je klanten tevreden te stellen. Die inspanningen waarderen we met een loonpakket dat wij – en onze medewerkers – correct vinden. Over het algemeen verdien je bij ons beter dan bij andere poetsbedrijven. Dan mogen we de lat al eens hoger leggen.


Meer dan de klassieke poetsvrouw

Opleiding en begeleiding


A pleasant and challenging working atmosphere

The best remuneration


More than the classic cleaning lady

Training and coaching