Edenred discount
Always discounts thanks to Hulp in huis
Thanks to Hulp in huis, it's sales all year round for our employees! From 1 September, all our employees enjoy Edenred discounts of up to 35% off at 400 affiliated retailers.

Save ± €156 a month thanks to Hulp in huis
Zalando, Media Markt, Carrefour, H&M, bol.com ... these are just five of more than 400 retailers where our employees get up to 35% discounts with the Edenred app. We did the calculation and from 1 September each employee of Hulp in huis will save ± EUR 156 a month. On an annual basis, this amount quickly adds up to more than a month's salary!
Summarised in a few figures:
- Buy from over 400 merchants
- Save ± 156 euro every month
- Receive up to 35% discount