Our jobs

Advantages of working at Hulp in huis

Hulp in huis belongs to the largest cleaning companies in West and East Flanders. In our case, ‘big’ also means ‘good’. Good for our customers and good for our staff. Working at Hulp in huis has countless benefits: meal vouchers, discounts, e-scooter, application premium, advertising bonus, and so on. Some things speak for themselves, but other benefits you will only find with us.


What our colleagues have to say


Franciele literally does her job with a smile on her face. She especially loves communicating with customers. Thanks to evening classes in Dutch, the Hulp in huis dictionary and Google Translate, the language barrier is no problem. With both client Franky and consultant Sofie, Franciele is the sunshine in the house. We asked Franciele, Franky and Sofie some questions 🎬


Kimberly started at Hulp in huis as a cleaning helper. Then she became a point of contact, then coach and now she is a consultant in the Heule office. So Kimberly speaks the language of the household helpers and the clients perfectly. Building a good relationship is the beginning of good household help. Her advice to doubtful applicants: ‘Just do it. We're just ordinary people too.' We asked Kimberly a few questions 🎬


Keighley does not like to sit still and is constantly busy. In addition to her job as a household help at Hulp in huis, she also works as a hairdresser, beautician and make-up artist in a secondary capacity. So Keighley makes houses and people beautiful. We asked Keighley some questions 🎬


Jurgen enjoys working with people. He gets satisfaction from social contact and a perfectly cleaned house. From his job, Jurgen keeps friendship and respect. And the customers? Yes, they think Jurgen is just great! We asked Jurgen a few questions 🎬

Danielle en Gregory

Danielle and Gregory are always together. Together out, together at home, together at Hulp in huis. As the ironing couple in Veurne, they enjoy the freedom, social contact and satisfaction that ironing brings to their own homes. The customer's smile and a freshly ironed basket, that's what they do it for. We asked Danielle and Gregory a few questions 🎬


Jennifer has been helping Mariette and Jean-Yves around the house for 13 years. She does all the housework every week: cooking, ironing, cleaning, shopping ... And that creates a special bond. We asked Jennifer and Mariette some questions 🎬